Not too long ago, I did a piece on the New England Center and Home for Veterans. In my research, I studied a lot of statistics on homelessness among our veterans, and they were, to say the very least, disheartening. The word I would prefer to use is “tragic.”
According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, while a precise count is pretty hard to compile, “the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that 40,056 veterans are homeless on any given night.”
Considering these are people who risked their lives for their country. That’s horrifying. Of course, the reasons for homelessness are as complex as a summer night in Norway is long, and there is no “quick fix.”
So, when a representative of Recovery Village, an addiction center with specific resources for veterans struggling with addiction — which of course can lead to homelessness — and asked me to put them on my resource page, I was proud too.
So, if you know someone who served and now needs help, give Recovery Village a call. Maybe they can help.